Thank you for stepping up on behalf of your community and offering your time, skills and support to the town or village where you live. A local councillor has a number of duties, roles and responsibilities and has lots of opportunities to make a difference. We believe all councillors should plan to learn about the different aspects of this important role to complement what you already have to offer. By fully understanding how a local council works in practice, you will be able to get involved and contribute to the effectiveness of your council and deliver successful outcomes for your community.
Local councils are structured, resourced and financed based on the needs of their local community, influenced by a number of factors. Our councillor training framework utilises numerous resources and events to help all councils regardless of their size.
Councillor - first year
What you need to know and why
Local councils are governed by an important regulatory framework providing powers, duties and obligations. It is important for new councillors to have the knowledge and understanding to ensure accountability and lawful decision-making.
How to achieve this
Our suggested year one pathway is designed to allow for a flexible but focussed plan to make the best use of resources that are available. This includes SALC knowledge, national guidance and publications, training and networking such as the SALC area forums which provides an opportunity to connect with others in the same role.
first 3 to 6
What an induction pack might include:
Contact details of councillors and the clerk/officers (during their working hours)
Core documents, such as standing orders, financial regulations, the budget, Code of Conduct
Details of future meetings and committees (if relevant) and minutes of recent meetings
Link to the council website
The Good Councillor Guide (available from SALC in electronic format via the member portal)
Guidance on managing information (eg: data protection, FOI, proper use of emails) - including policy on the use of personal emails. Use this link to view the SALC information page on this website explaining domains and email addresses
Attend Councillor Basics workshop (your clerk can book this through the SALC portal - fee payable)
Identify your knowledge gaps by undertaking a skills audit (download here)
Attend the SALC area forums (your clerk can book your place through the member portal)
6 to 12
Consider attending:
SALC Code of Conduct workshop
Finance for Councillors workshop (bookable through the member portal by the clerk, fee payable)
E-learning (fee payable): Introduction to Local Councils Understanding precepts Introduction to planning
The structure of local government in Suffolk - link to SALC information page
Civility and respect in public life - find out about how your council can sign the pledge to support good governance, positive debate and support for the wellbeing of councillors, professional officers and staff
Councillor - year two onwards
At this stage you may want to grow your knowledge in specific areas, which may depend on the size of your council and whether, for example, you have been appointed to a specific committee or project.
Managing information
GDPR for councillors workshop Freedom of Information workshop
VAT for VAT registered councils
VAT partial exemption
VAT for unregistered councils
Internal Controls
Attend Breakthrough Communications course 'Chairing council and public meetings effectively'
Managing people
Policies and procedures
Grievance and disciplinary -
Available through Community Action Suffolk - link to website -
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
Health and Safety
Mental Health
Information security
Modern slavery
Customer services
Anti-money laundering
Environmental awareness
Attend Chair and Mayor forum
Attend SALC climate forum, visit dedicated page to watch on-demand
Community Action Suffolk services
Village Halls
Community support
Find out about a wide range of NALC networks using this link, which include:
climate emergency
coastal communities
LGBT+ councillors
super councillors
women councillors
young councillors
Look out for our weekly e-bulletin sent to your clerk
Qualification routes for council employees

Community Governance
Community Governance explores how individuals and organisations collaborate and make decisions for the betterment of their local community. This advanced qualification is awarded by De Montfort University (DMU) and prestigious institution awarded Gold under the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). The qualification offers:
A certificate of Higher Education (Level 4)
Foundation Degree (Level 5)
Honours Degree (Level 6)
MA in Public Leadership (Level 7)