Local Council Business Calendar
Follow the local council business timeline to keep track of annual tasks
Ensure the precept request is submitted. Submit VAT return for the quarter. Review and dispose of records as necessary. Check procedures if an election year.
Reflect, review and plan ahead. Consider the date for the annual parish meeting. Chase debts prior to end of year.
Renew insurance cover. If election year advise councillors. Prepare end of year accounts.
Prepare end of year accounts, end of year return for tax, national insurance and VAT. Prepare for internal audit and confirm appointment. Confirm date and arrangements for annual parish meeting. If an election year- check and prepare.
Annual meeting of the council to be held this month. Election of Chair and Declarations of acceptable of office to be signed by new Chair. Consider the election of council representatives to committees and other bodies. Undertake an annual review of documents. Approve end of year accounts and complete statement of accounts. Internal audit to be carried out. Undertake an annual review of the asset register.
Last chance for internal audit. Submit completed annual return. Advertise for grant applications for next financial year for the autumn budget preparations.
Ensure all relevant council business is included in the July meeting to enable councillors to take a summer break. Consider a review of risk assessments with insurance. Undertake an annual check of playground equipment, if necessary. Consider arrangements for summer break and any necessary temporary cover. Complete quarterly VAT return. Display notice of audit in prominent place.
Summer break for most councils although a number do still meet especially in relation to planning matters. Consider all jobs that have been on hold and take the opportunity to review and re-organise documentation, update website etc., whilst it is quiet.
External audit should be completed and notice posted. Initial consideration to be given in relation to forthcoming budget. Progress any business delayed by summer break. Further inspection work could be carried out, for example consider trees before bad weather.
Prepare draft budget and present to council. Agree the meeting calendar for the next year. Quarterly VAT return. Consider poppy wreath for memorial services.
Progress draft budget including salary reviews, donation requests and grant funding. Review arrangements for any Remembrance Day services. Consider planting or grounds maintenance projects.
Finalise the budget and agree the precept. Consider arrangements for any Christmas events. Agree cover and emergency arrangements for the holiday.