SALC is a trusted and well-recognised representative of local councils in Suffolk with over 97% of town and parish councils in membership. We continually adapt our service to meet the needs of our members which often results in enhancements on what we deliver year on year.
By joining SALC you are also a member of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and therefore the total amount on your subscription invoice includes the NALC fee which SALC collects on their behalf. It is therefore important payment is made as soon as possible to account for this administrative role.
NALC has an excellent website allowing individual councillors and officers to sign up to receive direct updates and access to advice notes, details of events, news articles and blogs - use this link to their Homepage.
For 2025-26 the SALC subscription fee is increasing by 0.2% and NALC subscription fees have increased by 5%. Accurate calculations cannot be made until electorate numbers are received from District Councils which are expected by February 2025. Invoices will then be issued in early April for 2025/6 subscriptions including the affiliation fee we collect on behalf of NALC. We transfer this sum over to them on your behalf.
In April 2023 SALC introduced a new and fairer methodology for calculating subscriptions following a review in 2021. The changes meant the formula used introduced a proportionate relationship between the fee paid and the number of electors. To lessen the impact of this change for some of our members agreement has been reached to allow a slower alignment to lessen the burden of this transition. If your council is concerned about payment of fees please contact - your membership is important to us and the work we do on behalf of the sector both locally and nationally.
Full details about the changes made in relation to the calculation of subscription fees including FAQs and a chronology of how this has been managed by SALC are available on our website using this link to our dedicated page.

National Association of Local Councils
Membership of SALC includes access to NALC who charge a separate fee which we incorporate into our annual membership invoice. The price per elector for 2025/26 is 8.34 pence per elector with a cap of £2137 for larger councils.
National voice
NALC provide a national voice for 10,000 town and parish councils across England and campaign on their behalf
NALC provides written legal, audit and financial guidance through to SALC as part of the county association network
NALC host a range of webinars, conferences and events providing councils with opportunities to hear from a range of speakers and perspectives