Below are summary notes made on the evening, we are waiting for the official notes and a copy of the presentation which includes questions raised by communities through representatives in advance and follow-up questions.
The formal notes and slide pack from this meeting will be published on the East Suffolk Council website. Here is a link to the dedicated page on their website.

The first update covered purchase of land, recruitment opportunities, funding and availability of the community team.
In relation to communities work - there was a profile of the legacy of previous developments and an outline of community commitments. The community team work was outlined including dealing with lots of enquiries asking about job opportunities and housing for example. Engagement extends to schools, university, town and parish councils. There are over 12 events scheduled for the year - visit the SCZ website for details using this link.
There are large finance packages in relation to community benefits with £20m released on 15th January. Use this link to find out more from the Suffolk Community Foundation.
An overview of SZC's culture and values were presented and included DCO governance overview including groups formed of working groups with review groups sitting above those with strategic groups as an overview of delivery and funding amongst other things.
Project milestones were presented at a high level with an update on what had been achieved such as the completion of fencing around the perimeter of the site.
There were some opportunities from representatives for questions - which included examples of concerns around communication around recent highways works and the state of the A12 which included mud and potholes. There were also pre-submitted questions covering regularity of forums, working groups, access to the community fund and communication.